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Computational Science Zurich


How do I become a member of Computational Science Zurich ?

Computational Science Zurich  is open to all faculty and staff of  the University and ETH Zurich.

Faculty and Staff are considered active participants of the program by fulfilling one of the following requirements:

  • Maintain at least one PhD student in the program of Computational Science  in their group.
  • Provide one block course
  • Host a PhD retreat
  • Participate in the Academia-Industry Modeling weeks.

How do I apply/enroll to the PhD program of Computational Science Zurich ?

The Computational Sciences Ph.D. program is a 3-4year MSc. to Ph.D. program. Participating students can choose from a broad selection of research topics and classes. Enrollment into the program is decided by an admission committee. In order to graduate, students need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Acquisition of 12 credit points of advanced courses
  • Deposition and defense of a Ph.D. thesis describing the student’s original research work,
  • Additional requirements imposed by the host institution (Universität or ETH Zurich) so as to comply fully with their regulations.

The final degree is conferred by either the Universtät or the ETH Zürich, depending on the academic affiliation of the host laboratory.

How do I participate in the block courses  of Computational Science Zurich ?

All block courses are open top the members of the ETHZ and the University of Zurich.

Registration information is available for each specific course.

I am interested in doing a Master in Computational Science. Where can I find information?

UZH Specialized MSc
ETHZ Master Program